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B2B Integration

B2B integration enables businesses to integrate Telebirr's payment gateway into their existing systems, making it easy to receive payments from customers. This integration option is ideal for businesses that want to automate their payment processes and reduce the time and effort required to manage payments.

B2B Integration Process

B2B Web Checkout refers to a payment originating form Merchant’s website.

Quick Steps:

  1. Open the merchant website on a web
  2. Confirm the order and redirect to the new window of the payment page.
  3. Input short code, Operator ID and Input PIN of the paying merchant SuperApp / telebirr account.
  4. Payment success and the system will notify the result to Merchant and transaction detail page appears on the payer merchant side.

Service Flow

Service Flow of B2B integration

Main interaction description between merchant system and Payment system:

  1. The user (Business) completes the order on the Merchant web page and confirms the payment.
  2. After receiving the order request, the merchant server applies for a fabric token and invokes the payment server unified order interface (order creation) to create a prepaid order.
  3. The payment server Return prepaid order info (prepay_id) to merchant server
  4. The merchant server groups and joins the payment parameters (prepay id, merch order id, sign, order info, etc.) to construct rawRequest.
  5. The merchant server prepares the rawRequest.
  6. Merchant server assembles the rawRequest into the web checkout payment Base URL and then send the Assembled URL to the Merchant web page.
  7. Merchant web page redirects to the web checkout Assembled URL.
  8. The user (Business) makes payment a. by entering his/her Short Code, Operator ID and PIN.
  9. Payment server Verifying authorization and completing order payment.
  10. Notification of the payment result sent via notify URL.
  11. When the user (Business) finish the payment, it redirects it to the redirect URL on the create Order request.
  12. The merchant ships and displays the final order payment result to the user (Business).

You can follow the step by stpe guide to understand the payment apis